using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Tomot.GUI.Controls
#region class pageClass
/// helperclass for a dictionary
class pageClass {
// public pageClass()
public pageClass(Panel panel, ListViewItem lvi) {
this._panel = panel;
this._lvi = lvi;
private Panel _panel;
private ListViewItem _lvi;
public Panel Panel {
get { return this._panel; }
public ListViewItem ListViewItem {
get { return this._lvi; }
class settingsPanel:Panel
private ListView _lvSection = new ListView();
private Dictionary _panels = new Dictionary();
private ImageList _img;
/// Creates an instance of the settingsPanel with an adjustable size
/// ImageList which contains the Images for the listview
/// Width of the Panel
/// Height of the Panel
public settingsPanel(ImageList icons, Int32 width, Int32 height)
this._img = icons;
this.InitializeComponent(width, height);
/// Creates an instance of the settingsPanel with default size of 300x500 pixel.
/// ImageList which contains the Images for the listview
public settingsPanel(ImageList icons) {
this._img = icons;
this.InitializeComponent(300, 500);
private void InitializeComponent(Int32 width, Int32 height){
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
this._lvSection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(5, 5);
this._lvSection.LargeImageList = this._img;
this._lvSection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, height - 20);
this._lvSection.TabIndex = 1;
this._lvSection.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
this._lvSection.View = View.LargeIcon;
this._lvSection.MultiSelect = false;
this._lvSection.HideSelection = false;
this._lvSection.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
this._lvSection.Sorting = SortOrder.None;
this._lvSection.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lvSection_SelectedIndexChanged);
/// This methods chooses the preselected Panel and ListViewItem.
/// Name-String of the added Panel
public void setDefaultPanel(String panelName) {
if (!this._panels.ContainsKey(panelName))
throw new NullReferenceException("The panel " + panelName + " does not exist");
// select the listviewitem to ensure usability
this._panels[panelName].ListViewItem.Selected = true;
//place the panel and make it visible
private void lvSection_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this._lvSection.SelectedItems.Count == 0) {
// in case the developer forgot to make his panels invisible and to
foreach (KeyValuePair dictEntry in this._panels) {
dictEntry.Value.Panel.Visible = false;
this.placePanel(this._panels[(this._lvSection.SelectedItems[0].Tag as String)].Panel);
private void placePanel(Panel pan) {
// place the panel and make it visible
pan.Left = this._lvSection.Left + this._lvSection.Width + 20;
pan.Top = this._lvSection.Top;
pan.Visible = true;
/// This methods adds a panel into the dictionary and a new ListViewItem into the listview.
/// String that cleary identifies a panel
/// Reference to an existing panel
/// ListViewItem text
/// imageKey of the ImageList (references in the constructor)
public void addPanel(String panelName, Panel pan, String description, String imageKey){
if (this._panels.ContainsKey(panelName)) {
throw new ArgumentException(panelName + " is already in the dictionary");
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(description);
lvi.ImageKey = imageKey;
lvi.Tag = panelName;
pan.Height = this._lvSection.Height;
this._panels.Add(panelName, new pageClass(pan, lvi));
/// This methods removes an entry and all of its graphical representations and selects the first listview entry
/// String that cleary identifies a panel
public void removePanel(String panelName) {
if (this._panels.ContainsKey(panelName))
// remove the listview-entry,set the visibile property to false and remove the dictionary-entry
this._panels[panelName].Panel.Visible = false;
// select the first existing listviewitem and its panel
if (this._lvSection.Items.Count != 0) {
this.setDefaultPanel(this._lvSection.Items[0].Tag as String);
else {
throw new ArgumentNullException();